Thursday, March 18, 2010

Facing It

Melt down. Too much input. Too much output. Too many ways to communicate. Can't keep up. Twitter. Email. Texting. Blogging. And here's a confession. I don't even do Facebook! Remember when you looked a person in the eye? Now you look at the top of their head. People walk around, eyes cast down, not watching where they are going. Not looking at the surroundings. Last night we went to a restaurant and people were texting at the dinner table. Kids text each other from the front seat to the back seat of the car.

Where is all this leading?

We need an Emily Post for social media etiquette!

At my age, to remain relevant, I feel it is really important to keep up with the new media. If I don't, it would be very easy to become a dinosaur. But at the pace that things change these days, I could become extinct over night!

My husband found out that the daughter of my oldest friend is pregnant...because he read it on his "wall" on Facebook!

He sent me a text.

I emailed her.

Remember letters?

Remember phone calls?

Remember talking?

I just want to stay in the conversation.
It's just that there are so many conversations going on, it's a little overwhelming.

1 comment:

  1. I heartily agree. Well-said. (I also don't have facebook nor do I twitter.) To look in someone's eyes, to hear his/her voice, and to see the strokes of unique handwriting- sigh. Those connections are irreplaceable.

    I'm here because of Old Grizz's lovely tribute to you. Ironically, I'm also a Healing Artist. (Visual arts and expressive arts, but I'm not formally trained as a storyteller, but I'd like to be. I'm sure it's more involved, but that art reminds me of when I practiced as a Speech-Language Therapist. I'll be attending a Poetry Therapy Conference soon. Keep up your writing!

    (My blog account is not connected to Google and open id doesn't ever work for me, so here's my blog:

